Events in Sardinia in August: Alghero, Bosa, Castelsardo, Sassari

Events in Sardinia in August: Alghero, Bosa, Castelsardo, Sassari

SAGRA of the little pig

Events in sardegna in August: the SAGRA of the little pig is held in Palmadula. It is a village in the Nurra,
halfway between ALGHERO and Stintino, but in the territory of SASSARI.
The resort is enchanting because we are very close to the Argentiera and its abandoned mine. Tasting in the square and evening of music and dance.
During the festival you can taste a dish with gnocchi with sauce, an abundant portion of pork, bread, tomatoes and watermelon.
The Sardinian pig is a delicious dish of Sardinia and the name varies depending on the location
proxeddu, porcheddu, poleddu, polceddu. But if the name changes, the tradition wants it cooked in the same way if you want to remain faithful even if the variations are many.

The FEAST of Our LADY of the sea

The FEAST of Our LADY of the SEA in BOSA is the most folkloristic and the most eagerly awaited by the inhabitants and tourists who flock to the town every year to assist in the month of August!
This party was originally dedicated to the fishermen and the farmers because.
The procession begins on the morning of the first Sunday in August when the statue of the Virgin is carried in procession from the Church of Santa Maria del Mare to the port of Bosa. Here it is placed on a fishing boat to get it back on the river Temo. Then you will come to the Cathedral of the Immaculate which is located in the historic center of Bosa.
The most magical moment is the evening when the river is filled with festive boats while tourists and inhabitants settle on the banks of the river to watch the passage of the Madonna.
Meanwhile, the procession parades on the Temo river, escorted by boats and returns to the church of origin.
The party ends in the Church of Santa Maria del Mare with the Holy Mass.

Focs De Mig Agost

In August in Alghero, one of the most awaited events is represented by the FOCS DE MIG AGOST, the traditional fireworks in the port area, an admirable pyrotechnic show from any part of the Gulf of Alghero.
The mid-August night illuminates and colors the beautiful Alghero.
And then on AUGUST 16th, starting at 10pm, the event returns to the Quarter with the Figulinas Festival, the 29th edition of the international dance and music festival that will bring dance groups from New Zealand, China, Timor East, Mexico and Sardinia. In addition, the various clubs organize numerous events on the sea such as Marakaibo and Kelu with entertainment and VIP guests. For lovers of the historic center, of the lively nightlife of piazza Sulis and the Dante promenade, themed parties with dancing and music and entertainment for clubs such as Orange, Red Passion, Arcafè, Agua de Mar and the Trò.
Another evening dedicated to International Folklore is found in Castelsardo on August 14th .The Catalan song, the jazz music, the Senegalese one, are mixed in harmony to ancient sound of the Sardinian tradition. It is a journey through different genres dictated by tradition.
Faradda di li candareri or just Faradda, La discesa dei candelieri, is the party held in SASSARI the evening before the feast of Our Lady of the Assumption, on AUGUST 14th and is the most important and heartfelt religious procession by the population and tourists. The most folkloristic event in Sardinia (UNESCO heritage since 1913)(see here in the NEWS)

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