02 Jun Nature Holidays in Alghero! A rich and fragrant oasis!
Sardinia is a region full of wonders, a treasure chest that contains natural and historical jewels, perfect for those who love nature holidays! Today I will accompany you to discover the flora and fauna of Alghero!
The characteristic element of Sardinian vegetation is the fragrant Mediterranean scrub. What makes it interesting and more beautiful is its perfume, given by mastic, myrtle, juniper and olive trees. The plants of the Mediterranean scrub are relatively low and form a dense carpet, generally a few tens of centimeters, although there is no lack of species, that can reach a meter and a half in height, and even beyond depending on the areas. These plants are able to survive in extremely dry and hot climates. This dense vegetation constitutes the ideal habitat and provides safe shelter for many animal species, such as turtles, porcupines, rabbits and many others.
The peculiarity and uniqueness of the flora and fauna of Sardinia derive from its geographical isolation which originated forms of endemism, that is, of unique plant species of their kind. They are characterized by rigid and leathery leaves and perform an extremely important function for the defense of the soil.
Porto Conte Park: discovering typical Sardinian vegetation
Entering the paths of Parco di Porto Conte on foot, by mountain bike, by car, but also by boat, you can live a strong and unique sensorial experience, to be savored at least once in a lifetime. This could be the ideal year and period.
The lockdown has kept man and his action on nature away, which has benefited greatly.
First of all the reduction of air pollution has favored the recovery of insects that seemed destined to slowly become extinct: think of the bees, which have appeared numerous after years of agony. Wild flowers exploded in all their beauty and the animals shyly pushed themselves out of the ‘protected’ areas, almost incredulous to discover the world that until then had only looked at from afar.
This has happened in all parts of the world and there are many images and videos of animals that have gradually regained their spaces. The seas are clean and the fish peeked out the shore.
From this period for us so anomalous in which we had to leave daily stress for a moment, we can certainly draw many lessons. One of these is the wonderful result that respecting the concept of ‘sustainability’ brings.
Which surprises can Parco di Porto Conte reserve for us ?
First of all, a rich and fragrant vegetation characterized by prickly pear, eucalyptus and agave plants. The law scrub alternates with high vegetation, consisting of pines, holm oaks, oleasters and phyllaries. The vegetation here has been ‘shaped’ by the winds, the influence of the sea and the Mediterranean climate. The vegetation is therefore very varied with the alternation of flat and other hilly areas, steep promontories and breathtaking bays.
Even the fauna present in the territory of the Parco naturale di Porto Conte is unique!
The animal species present here are often protected. Here live the fallow deer, the wild cat, the fox, the dormouse mouse, but also the emerald toad and the Sardinian tree frog. Among the birds we find the peregrine falcon, the barn owl, the buzzard, the imperial crow.
The panoramic road between Alghero and Bosa
Alghero is the ideal place to spend nature holidays with a transparent and crystal clear sea. There are certainly some of the most beautiful beaches in the world here!
Could you ever imagine that, travelling just a few kilometers you will find yourselves immersed in a mountain and uncontaminated environment? Well, yes this is possible, along the panoramic road that connects Alghero to the colorful town of Bosa.
You can decide to travel this road by car, motorbike or, for cycling lovers, it is 45 kilometers in which you will find yourselves suspended between sea and mountains.
On one side the turquoise waters of the sea and on the other the intense green of the Mediterranean scrub. On the way it is easy to meet the peregrine falcons and, if you are lucky, the golden eagles while flying over these peaks. Along the way you can stop to take some photos and you can smell the scent of the vegetation.
Once again, and this year even more, choose our wonderful Italy for our summer holidays!
Book your holiday!